
We stand at a crossroads right now, our environment is at the breaking point and depending on what we do in these next few years it will either be saved or sullied. Right now there is a serious problem of how people view themselves in relation to the environment. Often especially in developed/ urban areas people view themselves as separate from nature and in this respect, do not care for their natural ecosystem as they should. In a study done by So Young Kim and Yael Wolinsky on the effects of affluence and vulnerability in relation to how people viewed climate change; they found that “Citizens in developed nations tend to be less concerned about climate change and less supportive of certain climate policies than those in developing nations.” (Kim, Wollinsky-Nahmias, 2014)

Today in respect to our energy crisis, people don’t fully understand that the fossil fuels we so heavily rely on are indeed running out and destroying our planet. If we are to continue growing as species and as a society, we have to make a change. We need a pervasive shift in mindset to see that our current system of energy generation is not what it seems to be. We have accomplished a lot as a species, we’ve overcome many obstacles and this can be our greatest yet. Not only does this goal require intelligent planning and execution, but it also requires compassion and foresight (two things humans aren’t typically great with). This is an opportunity for humans to rise to a new level understand and take action for what’s important. We have the ability to save this planet, now it’s just a matter of action.

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